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Oxford Little League - Oxford, PA

Oxford Little League - Oxford, PA

Season FAQs


  • Practice dates and times may vary week to week.
  • Practices will typically start around 6pm on a weekday, may start earlier later in fall season as we daylight is shortened.
  • Game schedules are not yet defined, but your team will typically have 2 games per week, 1 weekday and 1 weekend. Weekday games typically start at 6pm and weekend games can start as early as 9am or as late as 6pm for Majors. Weekend game times vary week to week.

Equipment Checklist:

✅Gray Baseball Pants - All players are to wear gray baseball pants.
✅Heart Guards (Required for Minors Divisions and Up)
✅Cleats - Rubber Soled only, no metal cleats
✅Glove (Please break in glove if brand new, it will help player get used to it)
✅Protective Cup
✅Baseball Bat (Optional) - Each team will have team bats available to be shared if you do not have your own bat. All bats must have the USA Bat Logo on the handle
✅Batting Helmet (Optional) - Each team will have batting helmets available to be shared if you do not have your own helmet. Minors Kid Pitch and Higher Divisions are required to have face shield or jaw guard on helmets.

Please email us at [email protected] or send a message here on Facebook if you have any questions!!

We are looking forward to an amazing season!!


Oxford Little League
PO Box 401 
Oxford, Pennsylvania 19363

Email: [email protected]

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